
Numerous ways to support Emergo in fulfilling its mission by providing respite services to families living with people with Autism Spectrum Disorders.


If you have a few hours to give us or you know people who care about our organization, be part of our team of dynamic volunteers by coming to help us periodically or sporadically.

Organize a benefit event

Write to us at with the following information:

  • Your first and last name or the name of your company
  • Your full contact details: mailing address, phone and email
  • The title and description of your activity                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A A member of the Emergo Foundation team will communicate with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your involvement for families and their autistic children!


At any time, you can make a donation to Emergo in cash, online via the Canadon website or by check payable to Emergo Foundation.

Make a corporate donation

Your business can make all the difference. Affirm your support for the Emergo Foundation and contribute to its sustainability.

Make a donation In Memoriam

Do you want to donate to the memory of a loved one? Testify your condolences by giving to the Emergo Foundation.

A charitable donation receipt will be issued with a donation of $ 20 or more.

Make a material donation

Do you have material to give? Contact us for our immediate needs!